
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Apple will auch das Galaxy S III verbieten lassen

Nun soll auch das aktuelle Flaggschiff aus Samsungs Smartphone-Reihe auf die Verbotsliste. Bisher waren nur ältere Geräte dabei. Der Samsung-Konzern kündigt rechtliche Schritte an.

Spitzenmodelle im Vergleich: Ein iPhone 4S von Apple (l) und ein Samsung Galaxy S III

Apple lässt im Patentstreit mit seinem südkoreanischen Konkurrenten Samsung nicht locker: Beim Bundesbezirksgericht in San José stellte der US-Konzern den Antrag, vier weitere "Nachahmer-Produkte" von Samsung in den USA zu verbieten. Darunter befindet sich auch das neue Smartphone Galaxy S III des südkoreanischen Herstellers.
Apple hatte in seiner Klage vom April 17 Samsung-Produkte aufgelistet, die gegen Apple-Patente verstießen. Nun legte der Konzern eine Liste mit 21 Produkten vor. Am 24. August hatte eine US-Jury Samsung wegen Kopieren von Apple-Designs zu einer Zahlung von 1,05 Milliarden Dollar (835 Millionen Euro) verurteilt.

Samsung kündigt rechtliche Schritte an

Samsung erklärte indes, Apple wolle die Auswahl für den Verbraucher einschränken. Der US-Konzern versuche, Wettbewerb gerichtlich zu unterbinden. Der südkoreanische Konzern kündigte am Samstag an, die notwendigen rechtlichen Schritte einzuleiten, um sicherzustellen, dass seine Produkte für den amerikanischen Verbraucher erhältlich blieben.
In ihrem Kampf um die Vorherrschaft auf dem Wachstumsmarkt für Mobilgeräte haben sich Apple und Samsung weltweit mit Patentklagen überzogen. Die Amerikaner beschuldigen die Südkoreaner vor allem, den Kassenschlager iPhone kopiert zu haben. Die Asiaten kontern mit Vorwürfen, Apple nutze widerrechtlich Samsung-Technologien.

Seal wirft Heidi Klum Affäre mit "Hilfskraft” vor

Gibt es im Leben von Heidi Klum einen neuen Mann? Paparazzi-Bilder aus ihrem Urlaub erwecken zumindest den Eindruck. Noch-Ehemann Seal behauptet nun sogar, dass da schon länger etwas laufen soll.

Heidi Klums Noch-Ehemann erhebt Vorwürfe gegen das Supermodel: Der britische Sänger Seal deutete nun in einem Interview an, dass Heidi Klum möglicherweise ihrem Personenschützer zu nah gekommen ist, und das noch vor der offiziell verkündeten Trennung des Ehepaares, sagte Seal dem Promi-Portal "".
"Von ihm hätte ich nichts anderes er­war­tet. Ich hätte mir allerdings gewünscht, dass Heidi mehr Klasse gezeigt und gewartet hätte, bis wir getrennt sind, ehe sie mit einer Hilfskraft ins Bett steigt."
Zuvor hatte die britische "Daily Mail" Paparazzi-Fotos von Klum und ihrem Bodyguard veröffentlicht, die sie vertraut am Strand auf Sardinien miteinander zeigen.
Die "Bild am Sonntag" fragte daraufhin bei Klums Manager und Vater, Günther Klum, nach. "Er gehört zur Familie. Als ihr Bodyguard schläft er auch bei uns. Machen Sie daraus, was sie wollen, aber machen Sie keinen zu großen Mist!", zitiert ihn das Blatt.

Urlaub mit den Eltern

Klums Eltern sowie die vier Kinder waren im Urlaub auf Sardinien ebenfalls mit dabei.
Heidi Klum und Seal leben nach sieben Jahren Ehe derzeit in Scheidung. Streitpunkte sind unter anderem das Sorgerecht für die Kinder und eventuelle Unterhaltsansprüche. Heidi Klum hat das alleinige Sor­ge­recht für die vier Kinder Leni (8), Henry (6), Johan (5) und Lou (2) beantragt. Seal dagegen fordert das geteilte Sorgerecht und einen Teil von Klums Vermögen.

Heidi Klum beantragt Scheidung von Seal

Heidi Klum und Seal
© DPASeit Januar 2012 läuft die Scheidung: Heidi Klum und Seal

Heidi und Seal

Die Musikcharts sind tot. Wirklich tot

Namen wie Asaf Avidan & The Mojos oder Philipp Poisel führen die aktuellen Hitparaden an. Nie gehört? Kein Wunder, die Hitparaden sind mittlerweile so aussagekräftig wie das Telefonbuch von Peking.
Es macht nichts, wenn Sie nicht wissen, ob man Philipp Poisel (Foto) nun Französisch oder Bayerisch ausspricht

Arm ist unsere Welt derzeit wirklich nicht an Absurditätenranglisten, egal welcher Art. Die wohl prominenteste Bewertung von Nischeninteressen sind dabei die Charts.
Die Musikcharts oder, etwas altmodisch betulicher formuliert, die Hitparade, hören sich zunächst einmal nicht besonders obskur an, eher seriös. Denn sie sind eine wertende Informationssammlung: ein Ranking und Rating der aktuell verfügbaren Tonträger. Die Charts sind folglich ein Konglomerat aus verschiedenen Zahlen. Dazu zählen physische Verkäufe, CDs und Schallplatten ebenso wie Downloads oder wie oft ein Song im Radio läuft.
Das klingt erst mal sehr übersichtlich und klar. In der Realität, im Leben, gestaltet sich das aber zum Beispiel so: Die Gruppe um den israelischen Folk-Rock-Musiker Asaf Avidan, die sich Asaf Avidan & The Mojos nennt, ist derzeit auf Platz eins der Single-Charts, während "Dark Roots of Earth" ziemlich hoch in den Album-Charts eingestiegen ist und die "Euro Top 100 Charts" ein gewisser Gusttavo Lima anführt.

Ihre Deutungshoheit eingebüßt

Und dass die Namen der Künstler einem bisweilen so viel sagen wie der Name eines russischen Dorfes, liegt nicht an Alter, Desinteresse oder Bildung, sondern daran, dass die Charts ihre Deutungshoheit eingebüßt haben. Heute sagt eine gute Platzierung nicht mehr besonders viel aus – die Zahl, um auf die Nummer eins zu gelangen, ist bekanntermaßen viel kleiner als noch in den Neunzigerjahren. Von den Siebzigern und Sechzigern brauchen wir gar nicht erst anfangen.
Seien Sie also völlig unbesorgt: Es macht nichts, wenn Sie nicht wissen, ob man Philipp Poisel nun Französisch oder Bayerisch ausspricht. Und es macht auch gar nichts, wenn man Sido immer wieder mit Bushido verwechselt. Und weil die Charts heute oftmals so, nun ja, einigermaßen arbiträr wirken, macht einfach jede und jeder heute eigene Listen, natürlich in Nachahmung der zunehmenden Vernischung der Popmusik.

Sexiest Frauen in Indie-Bands

Selbst stets um political correctness bemühte öffentlich-rechtlich finanzierte Szenemagazine etwa fragen nach den zehn sexiesten Frauen in Indie-Bands, wie kürzlich der "Zündfunk" im Bayerischen Rundfunk. Eine weitere Liste, die diese Welt nicht braucht und bisher ja auch gar nicht vermisst hat, in diesem Moment vermisst oder überhaupt je vermissen wird.
Die Frage ist und bleibt: Wo soll dieser ganze Bewertungs- und Sortierungswahn denn eigentlich enden? Natürlich so: "Und jetzt noch die ewigen Top 5 meiner unvergesslichsten Trennungen." Das Zitat stammt aus Nick Hornbys "High Fidelity", jenem auf dem gleichnamigen Buch basierenden Nerdfilm aus den und über die Hochzeiten der Musikindustrie. Und das ist ein ganz guter Schluss. Denn ungefähr so aussagekräftig wie eine solche Aufzählung über die persönliche Schluss-Mach-Biografie Hornbys erscheinen einem die Musikcharts heute oft.

Bale Madrid! Spanish giants Real secure first option on Tottenham's £45m-rated winger

First option: Real Madrid would get the first chance to buy Bale if Spurs put him up for sale
First option: Real Madrid would get the first chance to buy Bale if Spurs put him up for sale
Shaun Botterill
Real Madrid have secured first option to buy Gareth Bale.
Bale signed a new four-year contract with ­Tottenham in June – but he has been the ­subject of constant transfer speculation during the last three years.
Barcelona, Real Madrid and Manchester United have all been linked with the 23-year-old who has emerged as one of the Premier League’s outstanding talents. In the wake of Luka Modric’s transfer to Real last week, the clubs announced that they had formed a new alliance.
In a statement, it was ­revealed this will involve “players, coaches, best practices and commercial relationships”.
It is also thought that Jose Mourinho’s Real will now get the first chance to sign Bale should either ­Tottenham ­decide to cash in on their ­valuable asset or if the player asks to leave.
First option: Jose Mourinho looks set to benefit from the new Tottenham-Real Madrid alliance
Jeff Zelevansky
The asking price for Bale will be around £45million but Spurs would have the chance to choose from Real’s talented squad in any deal.
Meanwhile, Tottenham have confirmed that winger Aaron Lennon has signed a new ­contract, which commits him to the club until 2016.
The 25-year-old has played more than 230 matches in all competitions for Spurs since joining from hometown club Leeds in 2005.
He has started both Barclays Premier League matches for Andre Villas-Boas’ side this season. Lennon, who netted four times for Tottenham in all competitions, was part of ­England’s World Cup squad two years ago.
However, he did not figure in this summer’s European ­Championships.
There had been rumours in recent weeks that Lennon may be surplus to AVB’s ­requirements, but the new deal silences those claims.

"Heidi cheated on ME!" Seal accuses estranged wife of starting relationship with bodyguard BEFORE they split

Accusation: Seal claims Heidi cheated on him
Accusation: Seal claims Heidi cheated on him
Seal has accused his ­estranged wife Heidi Klum of cheating on him with her bodyguard ­BEFORE they split up.
The singer has claimed the German supermodel, 39, was unfaithful while they were together after ­pictures emerged of Heidi and the ­employee ­cavorting on a beach.
Speaking to US website TMZ yesterday, London-born Seal, 49, said: “I’d have thought Heidi would have shown a ­little more class and at least wait until we ­separated before ­deciding to fornicate with the help.”
Last night Heidi told friends Seal’s claims were untrue. She told one pal her relationship with the bodyguard was “strictly professional”.
“It’s sad Seal would make excuses for their divorce when the real reason is looking at him in the mirror,” the friend added.

"Boyle's wife could get paralysed in a car accident ... then see if he does jokes": Katie Price joins furious Frankie backlash

Fighting talk: Katie has had enough of Boyle's cruel jibes
Fighting talk: Katie has had enough of Boyle's cruel jibes
Model Katie Price has launched a scathing attack on under-fire comedian Frankie Boyle after he made a string of new sick jokes about the disabled.
Boyle, 40, caused outrage last week after a series of jibes on Twitter, ­including one about a British high jump Paralympic star being blown up by the ­Taliban.
Furious Katie, 34, who has disabled 10-year-old son Harvey with ex-football star Dwight Yorke, asked if the comic would be so insensitive about his own loved ones.
Katie Price with son Harvey
Campaigner: Katie with disabled son Harvey
She told the Sunday Mirror: “Boyle’s wife could have a car accident and be paralysed from the neck down – then we’ll see if he jokes about people with disabilities.
“It would certainly change his life forever and open his eyes before he makes jokes. It’s disgusting that he gets away with jokes about children like Harvey.”
Katie has been furious with Boyle since he made obscene jokes about Harvey, who suffers septo-optic dysplasia and severe autism, on TV two years ago.
The model is a campaigner for disabled children and raises funds for Harvey’s school Dorton House in Sevenoaks, Kent. She has also spoken out about the London 2012 Paralympics – calling for the ­Olympic flame to stay alight for both Olympic games in the future.
She said: “The Paralympics should have been the same and followed on from the Olympics. They shouldn’t have turned the Olympic torch off until both events were over.
“It just proves that people with ­disabilities are not accepted as equals.”
Katie said the lack of equality impacts on every area of life, including theme parks not catering for children with disabilities.
Frankie Boyle
Absolute tweet: Frankie Boyle keeps causing controversy with his Twitter jibes
She added: “We’re all born the same way and we all die so everyone should be equal with what’s in between.”
More than 500 ­viewers complained after Boyle mocked Harvey on his Channel 4 show Tramadol Nights in December 2010, as Katie – also known as Jordan – was divorcing Peter Andre.
Boyle told his viewers: “Jordan and Peter Andre are still fighting over custody of Harvey. Eventually one of them will lose and have to keep him.”
In his latest Twitter rant he branded Saudi Arabian Paralympians “mainly thieves” and said a high jumper’s best performance was “Taliban assisted”.
It was particularly embarrassing to Channel 4 – which aired his show The Boyle Variety Performance on Monday – as it is the Paralympics broadcaster.

Gingerly Spice: Geri cools things with "intense" Brand as our amazing pics show exactly why Russell likes her

Intense: Russell has proved a bit much for Geri
Intense: Russell has proved a bit much for Geri
Relations between Geri Halliwell and Russell Brand are cooling... ­because he is too intense and intelligent for her.
Friends say the fledgling ­romance is likely to fizzle out within weeks.
They reveal that Brand, 37, has constantly ­put Geri, 40, at unease with his ­overwhelming ­spirituality, ­saying she just can’t keep up with his ­“exhausting intelligence”.
She was said to be “stunned” this week when he pitched up at her home in Highgate, North London, with a DVD of Alan Bennett’s ­Talking Heads to watch with her.
“Things are already cooling off,” said the source. “Russell’s way into very intense spiritual readings that are just too much, even for Geri. He is way too intense, full stop. He turned up with Talking Heads... it went straight over Geri’s head.
“I don’t think she really fancies him, she’s just enjoying the ­attention. It will be yoga, sex and fizz, but it won’t last the distance. He’s off back to LA soon and she’s not planning on going with him.”
But one pal says her fling with Brand, divorced from singer Katy Perry earlier this year, has lifted her ­spirits after weeks feeling down because of her stalling career.
 Geri has recorded a new album but has failed to get a deal. She has also failed to get a new ­reality TV show off the ground, with ITV2 and Sky turning her down.
The friend added: “Geri hoped her performance with the Spice Girls at the Olympics would open doors but it hasn’t. Russell’s taken her mind off it all.”
The pair, who hooked up at the ­Olympics closing ceremony, have been spotted on ­several dates.
When they first met up, Russell gushed on Twitter: “I’ve got a crush on Geri Halliwell.”

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Videoklipi i ri i Ritës xhirohet në Kosovë

Këngëtarja me prejardhje shqiptare, Rita Ora, ka vendosur që videoklipin e radhës ta xhirojë në vendin nga i ka rrënjët.

Në profilin e saj në Facebook shkruan se krijuesja e hitit “Hot Right Now” gjatë muajit shtator do të qëndrojë në Kosovë për xhirimin e klipit të ri.
“Me datë 8 shtator në Kosovë për të xhiruar videoklipin më të ri, në mënyrë që t’i shfaqë botës imazhe nga vendlindja!”, shkruan në rrjetin social.
Më herët është njoftuar se pop-ylli shqiptar me famë botërore shumë shpejt pritet të mbajë edhe një koncert në vendin tonë

The bodycounts of onscreen killers

Jet Li Hit
Killer king: Jet Li in a scene from the film Fearless. Picture: Supplied

THE all-star cast of The Expendables 2 constitutes the biggest congregation of cinematic killers ever assembled for a major motion picture.
These kings of celluloid carnage have racked up body counts that make franchise serial killers such as Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees and Jigsaw look like lightweight librarians.
There is no other way of putting it. The gentlemen listed below have made a career out of getting away with murder in the name of entertainment.
Should such cold-blooded assassins be celebrated or castigated for their life's work?
Examine the numbers below and draw your own conclusions.
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: The Mummy 3 (112); The Warlords (88); Kung Fu Cult Master (83)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: The Expendables (2); Fearless (1); Fist Of Legend (1)
The popular face of movie murder at the global box-office, the otherwise shy and retiring Mr Li has sent more to meet their maker than any other of his castmates. Also a clear leader on an average-kills-per-film basis. Put simply, if you're sharing a scene with Jet Li, odds are you are going to die.
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: The Punisher (60); Bridge Of Dragons (53); Red Scorpion (48)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Johnny Mnemonic (2); Rocky IV (1); The Fat Slags (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: Though way past his prime - and some may argue there never was a prime - the swaggering Swede is still steadily piling up corpses in the land of straight-to-video. Lundgren will keep plying his trade in low-budget, no-script action fare until there are no more takers.
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: Commando (102); True Lies (76); Total Recall (47)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Terminator 2 (1); Kindergarten Cop (1); Junior (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: Had he not carved out lucrative sidelines as both a mainstream figure of fun and a politician, Arnie would have gone close to topping this list. Now that he has finally returned to his chosen field, the blood will surely flow again.
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: Rambo (123); Rambo III (95); Rambo II (78)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot! (1); Rocky Balboa (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: Take out all instalments from the Rambo saga (which account for nearly 70 per cent of his dirty work) and Sly has actually been one of the nicer nasty blokes of the action game. Doesn't take himself so seriously any more, which is appreciated by his fans.
KILLS: 403
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: Universal Soldier: Regeneration (39); Hard Target (31); Cyborg (25)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Dragon Eyes (2); Nowhere To Run (1); Kung Fu Panda 2 (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: The Muscles From Brussels has been in the carnage caper for well over two decades now, and like Lundgren, will show up for a home movie in your backyard if you have the cash. Never been the most subtle of slaughterers, as Expendables 2 all too forcefully reminds us.
KILLS: 390
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: Missing In Action (63); Missing In Action 3 (53); Delta Force (43)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Hellbound (2); Sidekicks (1); Breaker! Breaker! (1)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: At age 72, Chuck is rarely tempted to wave away his walking frame to waste some bad dudes. However, his torso-shredding track record (which stretches all the way back to Bruce Lee's Way of the Dragon in 1972) speaks for itself.
KILLS: 323
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: The Expendables (68); In the Name Of the King (60); Safe (32)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Crank (2); Revolver (1); The Bank Job (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: Very much the new killer on the block of the Expendables team, but never one to shy away from keeping the movie undertakers busy. Once Jase stops making Hollywood action pics and heads elsewhere for work, however, things could get really messy.
KILLS: 226
DEATHLIEST RELEASES: Last Man Standing (31); The Fifth Element (27); Die Hard 2 (24)
PRO-LIFE RELEASES: Armageddon (1); The Sixth Sense (0); Look Who's Talking (0)
-- FINAL SENTENCE: The Sunday school teacher of the bunch, Willis has always been more interested in what wisecrack will come after the killing, than the killing itself. Clearly enjoying all the post-shootout quippery in Expendables 2.

Geri-action hero back at the top

dolph lundgren Expendables Hit
Actor Dolph Lundgren is starring in The Expendables II. Picture: AFP/ Getty

AT THE height of his fame as a 1980s action star, Dolph Lundgren famously boasted he could "beat Mike Tyson".
Older and perhaps a little wiser, Lundgren now backs away from the claim. A little.
"I don't know where somebody would have got that from," the 54-year-old says, the faint hint of a Swedish accent peeking out from behind his American tones. "Especially in boxing. I mean, look - in a street fight, that's a different story."
The fact The Expendables 2 star thinks he has a chance outside the ring with a man who bites off his opponent's ears inside it speaks volumes about his legendary ego.
But then again, at 195cm tall with more than 100kg of muscle, he's still an intimidating man. In 2009, three masked burglars broke into his home, tied up and threatened his ex-wife Anette. They turned and fled after spotting Lundgren's photo on the wall.
Lundgren is in the midst of a flurry of activity, with 10 movies in various stages of production including another Universal Soldier film and a zombie movie called Battle of the Damned. "Zombies, robots and me, I call it," he laughs. "There was more action than I've done in any movie since the '80s."
He's also hosting a new cable TV series called Race to the Scene, where teams recreate stunts from such movies as Die Hard and Terminator. "I don't have to dive out of the window," he says. "I'm just talking to the people diving out the window."
This fresh rush of product stems from Sylvester Stallone's decision to cast him in the 2010 "geri-action" ensemble film The Expendables.
Stallone actually made the Swedish actor a star in 1985, casting him in Rocky IV. Lungren went on to star in such films as Masters of the UniverseThe Punisher and the Universal Soldier franchise, but after moving to Spain in the 1990s with his wife and two daughters, he all but disappeared from mainstream view despite making endless movies with titles such as DefendorMissionary Man and Command Performance.
"I was kind of stuck in DVD movies," he says. "Then suddenly, out of the blue (Stallone) calls me and says 'Ehhhh, Dolph, we got this script we want you to check out.' That was Expendables 1. For me it was a big comeback because I hadn't been in a theatrical release for almost 10 years."
One of the first films he made afterwards was Stash House, a low-budget thriller about a couple who buy a home and discover the walls are full of drugs. Lundgren plays an ageing killer who wants to get out of the business.
"It's the first time I've played a more mature action guy," he says. "In Expendables, OK, it's about a bunch of older guys kicking ass. This is more like an old guy who wants to retire." 

Film review: The Expendables II

Film Review-Expendables 2 Hit
Yu Nan, Terry Crews, Sylvester Stallone, Randy Couture and Dolph Lundgren in a scene from The Expendables II. Picture: AP

NOT so much a movie as a near-lethal shot of testosterone administered through the eyes, The Expendables 2 is chock-full of strange-looking men aged 50 and older.
All of of them going blah-blah-blah and blam-blam-blam in merry unison. 
Best brace yourself for the scenes where lights are too bright or shirts have come off. 
Many of these cinematic geriatrics look as if they've got their local plastic surgeon on speed-dial, and a jar of human-growth hormones in the fridge. 
I may also add at this juncture that The Expendables 2 is a horrible motion picture that is horribly entertaining. 
As opposed to the original The Expendables, which was just plain horrible. 
The big diff this time is that everyone involved is in on the same joke, and they all tell it very well, indeed. 
Sylvester Stallone (66 years old) and his posse of past-their-prime pulverisers - led by Chuck Norris (72), Arnold Schwarzenegger (65), Bruce Willis (57), Dolph Lundgren (54) and Jean-Claude Van Damme (just a kid at 51) - have a grand old time revisiting former gories. 
Sorry, that should be glories. 
So if you grew up basking in the bloody afterglow of these buffed-up besties doing their worst, The Expendables 2 will put you in a state of nostalgic nirvana.
 The plot? Let's not go there. Stallone and his team of co-writers didn't.
All you need to know is that five tonnes of weapons-grade plutonium is about to be illegally acquired, and then sold on the open market to the richest nuclear terrorist. 
Yep, that's right. The Expendables must save the world. To do so, they must stop the vicious villain who has almost finished splitting all the radioactive rocks he can find. Van Damme plays the role well, mustering all the camp cruelty he can for a character whose surname is - wouldn't you just know it? - Villain. 
The set-piece skirmishes of The Expendables - which commence in Nepal and end in an Albanian airport terminal - are stratospherically over-the-top. 
The death, destruction and violence on display are as subtle and shocking as a Taser down your trousers. 
The best that can be said of these spectacularly stoo-pid scenes is that you can't look away from them. But my, oh my, you can laugh at them. 
News is trickling in that Stallone and his gang of grinning reapers have sent membership forms to Steven Seagal, Nicolas Cage and Harrison Ford for The Expendables 3. Never thought I'd be saying this, but bring it on.
-- The Expendables 2 [MA15+]
- Two and a half stars
-- Director: Simon West (Con Air)
-- Starring: Sylvester Stallone, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis, Dolph Lundgren, Liam Hemsworth
-- Beware of old dogs let off the leash

Kris Humphries is being sued for allegedly giving a woman herpes

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries
KIM Kardashian's ex Kris Humphries is being sued by a woman who claims he gave her herpes.
The 27-year-old basketball star – who split with ex-wife Kim Kardashian in October after just 72 days of marriage – is being sued for sexual battery by Kayla Goldberg, who alleges the sportsman gave her the sexually transmitted disease after they met up in August 2010.
According to the lawsuit, Kayla claims she met Kris in The Newsroom Cafe in Los Angeles and the pair went on to have unprotected sex in his room at the Thompson Hotel. 
She is suing for unspecified damages, alleging that Kris knew he had the disease when they got together but didn't tell her.
But the basketball star has denied such allegations saying he has "never" given anyone herpes, and he is now said to be thinking about counter-suing Kayla following her claims.
A source close to the NBA star told RadarOnline: "Kris was recently accused by another woman of giving her herpes, this happened within the last two months.
"Kris tested negative for it though and for any other sexually transmitted disease and he is absolutely steadfast that he has never given anyone herpes. Kris plans on vigorously fighting the lawsuit filed against him by Kayla Goldberg and is considering counter-suing her for defamation."